October 2011
Welcome, my friend, to October’s Journey of Plein Air 365â„¢, 2011,
Wow, what a warm and pleasant month October was. More days filled with sun than rain or snow and the fall colors are incredible this year. I have never seen so many bold colors before in Colorado. Yes, we have some very colorful falls, but this year was something special to behold.
I didn’t do as much traveling this month as I have been, and let me tell you, for me it was nice to stay a little more local. I also found myself painting more shrubs and bushes than I normally do. This too, was due to how much color they had this year compared to years past. It was almost overwhelming but what a delightful dilemma for a painter to have!
Now, that October is over and the weather has gotten much colder with old man winter starting to move in, I am already missing the warm fall days filled with splendid color and ponder what next fall will bring.
Well, thats about it for October. I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I did.
Best Regards,
May Love Fill Your Heart And Art Fill Your Life
Just a reminder, my email has changed to ted@tedgarcia.com. Also visit pleinair365.blogspot.com or www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1301262145 if you would like to read about each day’s painting. I would also like to say thank you to all of our kind sponsors named below of Plein Air 365â„¢.
If you, a company, or charity would like to be a sponsor of Plein Air 365â„¢ by Ted Garcia, or if you are a gallery that would like to represent or show Ted Garcia Fine Art, please contact ted@tedgarcia.com Thank you.